Saturday, November 14, 2009

Cats and Geckos!

Among other things, the city and center are crawling with cats and Geckos. Some cats are affectionately named, for example Diseasey, and others come and go. Recently, A big black cat gave birth to a liter of 7, all black but one grey. The cat has been learning some tricks lately and today she was the star of the lunch half-time show! She had caught a gecko and ripped off its tail. I have seen lizards' tails twist and twitch for a while after violent removal, but this one was OUT OF CONTROL. it was flipping and spinning, lashing and whipping, and driving the kitty crazy! She had the gecko in her mouth, then would go catch the tail,then chase back after the escaping lizard, then catch both with her paws, then fling one across the balcony. She was having a ball playin with her treat(s). It was NUTS! We watched, cheered, screamed, and gagged for a good ten minutes during this wild display.

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha! That's awesome, Steph. I can't believe cute little cats can be so evil! Crazy! Hope you're doing well. Miss you back in Loveland. BTW: I'm going to be in SLC Jan. 8th, if you're around? Or will you be in CO? Either way, we better get together when you get home!!!

