Monday, September 14, 2009

Cave Slugging!

On our field trip today, I had an EPIC ADVENTURE. We went to "Micah's Cave" (so named because Micah was born in a town nearby) about 30 miles south west of Jerusalem. It was the last stop on our awesome, but tiring, day-long field trip, so when we first got there, not knowing what we were in for, we were not super stoked. Three seconds in, however, and I was JAZZED. We crawled (army and hands-n-knees) through maybe a 30 foot tunnel into a larger room carved into the chalk/limestone, then could pick a variety of side rat holes to explore! I was the leader of our little adventure group and led the way through dozens of winding, twisting, tight, birth canal-like tunnels. They were SO small! There were spots where my shoulders barely fit through while I simultaneously ate a spider web and hit my head on the ceiling. It was the coolest (can i say that? i think yes.) thing I have done here. EPIC.

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