Monday, October 5, 2009

Hezekiah's Tunnel

So today we went on a field trip to the City of David! In other words, the orginal Jerusalem built when King David conquered the Jebusites and established 'Jerusalem'. There are all kkinds of ruins and things are clearly seen! I stood where David would have when he saw Bathsheba...and of course we re-inacted it as acurately as possible :) In the city of David, there is the pool of Siloam, Hezikiah's tunnel, and Warren's shaft. Ok, sorry for the history lesson, but if needs to be explained! K Warren's shaft was a passage way from the city on the hill to the stream i nthe valley. In fact, the Jebusite city fell becuase Joab climbed up through this water shaft into the city! In order to keep that from happening again and to protect the water source, King Hezekiah dug a tunnel bringing the water from the Gehon spring right into the city. This tunnel is over almost a fourth of a mile long and goes through the mountain limestone!! We got to climb through this tunnel, hunched over and flooded. We got soaked up to our wastes and a few people dropped their flashlights, but it was stupendous!Super neat!

1 comment:

  1. That sounds wonderful!

    The magazine "Biblical Archaeology Review" has done one or more articles on Hezekiah's Tunnel. Some of the feedback on those articles is available at

    I also like the Wikipedia article on it at

    Thanks for blogging your experiences so the rest of us can enjoy the Holy Land from a distance! Maybe someday it won't be from such a distance...

