Friday, October 30, 2009


Ok if anyone told me they had one day in the Middle East and asked what they should do, I would say, without hesitation, to GO TO PETRA! It is the most amazing city! Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade shows the treasury of this city, huge pillars and sculptures carved into the rock cliff face. Petra is sooooo much more than this though! There are dozens and dozens of tombs, temples, buildings, caves, etc carved into the rock everywhere in the canyon and valley. Various niches and shapes carved into the walls. It is soooo cool! One of the best parts is you can just hike up and around the mountains/valleys and just find these things everywhere! Egypt was amazing, but you really felt like a tourist. Here, I felt like an adventurer, or a Persian Princess on my white horse too to visit the Nabateans in my silky, gem encrusted outfit. AH!!!! The structures were built by the nabateans between 600bc-200ad and in their later years they had a lot of Roman influence. Consequently there is a huge ampitheater, originally Nabatean but expanded by the Romans, reinactment markets, and all kinds of stuff.ah. I can't even express how awesome it was, especially since I'm pretty sick of relating all the stories. On the way back up the canyon, I got to ride a horse! I asked the horse leader for the reigns and he let me just take off through Petra! Petra=Exceeded Expectations. Pictures to come!

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