Monday, October 19, 2009

Yad Veshem: The Holocaust Museum

Today we had the amazing opputunity to visit Israel's Holocuast Museum and it was an incredible and HARD experience. The museum is impressively well done; just the architecture of the building holds so much meaning. It is a triangular underground tunnel, cutting through the mountain. You can see the exit, but must navigate through all the side rooms in order to reach it. I have never felt the way I felt today walking through this museum and witnessing the rise of the Nazis and anti-semitism, then the start of WWII, deportation of Jews, and their evental extermination. 6 million Jews were massacred in less than four years, 1.6 million of them were children. I felt so wretchedly heartbroken and I can't even bring myself to talk about some of the graphic images and stories I saw and heard. It scared me so bad to SEE what evil mankind, my brothers and sisters, are capable of doing to eachother. The power of satan and interesting paralleles to the way he and the nazis work were frightening. It really was a tramautic experience, but I'm so glad we got to go. I think it is so important to know what men without love will become. We need to be aware of these evils in our society, which are alive and well, and take measures to erradicate them. In a very confusing way, it was also good to feel anguish- it reminded me how soft my heart has become and how much I want to keep it that way. Two of my favorite quotes from the exhibit were said from indivduals who risked everything to help a jew: "I do nto know what a Jew is, we only know what human beings are" -(Pastor Trocme)
"I know that when I stand before God on judgement day, i shall not be asked the question posed to Cain- Where were you when your brother's blood was crying out to God?" -(Imre Bathory)

It is also interesting to note the way the Palestinians have been treated by Jews here in Israel. Why does the world not remember?

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